Month: February 2012
BC’s Rich History of Expensive Wine, Spirits and Beer
OpenFile contributor Sarah Berman had an interesting article in the Tyee last week which explored B.C.’s often strange and archaic liquor laws. One regulation highlighted by Berman involves a B.C. restaurant or bar’s inability to host “happy hour” specials.
Thank You to Karen Ayers and the LCLB
Those of us who have been advocating for changes to BC’s archaic and restrictive liquor laws owe the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) & General Manger Karen Ayers a letter of thank you for their handling of the Rio Theatre liquor license-movie screening debacle.
Curing What Ales You: New SUB to House Brewery
Beer at UBC will be cheaper and significantly more local when the new SUB opens.
When a Pint’s Not a Pint: CAMRA Petition Calls for Draft Beer Serving Sizing Clarity
Have you ever ordered a pint of beer and then been a bit miffed after being handed a glass smaller than you expected?