Month: March 2013
Growlers Saved?
Today I had the pleasure of visiting Rick Dellows at the R&B brewery in East Van along with the Paddy Treavor of the Van East Beer Blog, Nigel Springthorpe and Conrad Gmoser from Brassneck Brewing but it wasn’t a social call, we were there for an announcement from NDP liquor policy critic MLA Maurine Karagianis.
Growler Love
With so much love for the humble Growler let’s have a look at some of the ways people out there have pimped their growlers with all kinds of cool add-ons.
Save the Growler Update – Your Say
I’ve been using the CAMRA website as a bit of a soapbox lately so I thought I would hand control over to you guys this week. Save the Growlers has really caught on (over 1700 signatures to date!) so here’s a selection of some of the comments that have come our way via the petition…
CAMRA BC’s Visit to the Legislature March 11
Earlier this week CAMRA BC President Rick Green, Vice President Maureen Blaseckie and myself went to the BC Legislature in Victoria to meet with MLAs about some of CAMRA BC’s campaigns.
CAMRA BC Opposed to Misguided Growler Tax
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 28, 2013 CAMRA BC Opposed to Misguided Growler Tax
Presidential Update March 6
A Message From The President When news broke last week on the Van East Beer blog that Growler fills were to be given an additional tax it was hard to see it as anything other as a tax directly on craft beer, hitting both the burgeoning craft beer industry in BC and those people with great taste…