Month: October 2016

  • Events Update: October 2016

    Festival season was a blast this year! We finished it off by heading up to Whistler for the annual Whistler Village Beer Festival. We loved getting the chance to see some familiar faces as well as getting to know new members from across the province!

  • Homebrew Happenings: Rye Pumpkin Ale

    The season is upon us, pumpkin spice everything. It always stirs up contention in the brewing world, and probably the rest of the world as well. You can read a bit more on the history and the debate on pumpkin beer here. Every year I brew up a batch or two of pumpkin beer, tinkering…

  • Autumn, Spice and the Pumpkin Debate

    With summer over and fall upon us, we turn away from the light and easy drinking lagers and wheats for something with a bit more body, more flavour and inevitably, more spices. October is the traditional month for the pumpkin spice beers to come out, but right around the corner we will see the winter…

  • Advocacy Update – October 2016

    Since the AGM last February, we have had a lot of curve balls thrown our way, wrenches in our wheels and general unforeseen happenings arise. As a result, I would be lying if I said we had gotten traction we wanted on anything we wanted to sink our teeth into. After a few months trying…

  • President’s Update – October 2016

    It’s been a busy little while for CAMRA Vancouver and CAMRA BC – some of it exciting, some of it not so much; but that is the nature of the gig! President David has a few updates for you on the goings-on in and around the CAMRA Vancouver Community.