
This month your CAMRA Vancouver Executive have been raising money for Men’s Cancer charities by growing our mo’s! so far we’ve raised over $1000 but with less than a week to go it’s time for a final push!

We were challenged to a Mo competition by CAMRA BC – South Fraser Branch who have got some good facial hair already but their donations are lagging behind us – however they might be holding off until the last minute to try and beat us at the finish line!

As you can see our mighty moustaches are rich and lustrous (as well as scratchy and annoying to our WAGs) so please, even if you’ve already donated this month, please spare a few more dollars to support a great cause.

While we look like a bunch of angry thugs I can assure you that we are all lovely people! Your Vancouver Mo-Bros are:

Ryan Baker (Treasurer):

Matt Kump (website):

Brad Tollefsen (membership):

Danny Seeton (Education):

Adam Chatburn (President):



You can join us in support of Movember here:  by donating to the team or if you want to donate to us individually just click on our handsome moustachioed faces!

Thank you!

Adam Chatburn

President, CAMRA BC – Vancouver Chapter





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