Discretionary Pricing Coming to BC?

As most of you know the government of BC has begun the first public liquor consultation in almost 60 years and CAMRA BC is all over it. The consultation comes in 2 phases, the first was a letter to key industry people and stakeholder groups asking them if they want to make any suggestions on changes to BC’s liquor laws. CAMRA BC received the letter and have arranged a meeting with John Yap MLA and the BCLDB to put the needs of the consumer first – after all we’re the biggest and most important stakeholders in the industry. Over the next few weeks I’ll be writing a few posts about CAMRA BC’s suggestions in the run up to the phase 2 public consultation which starts in a few weeks.

yap letter

One of the things we’re very keen to introduce is optional “Discretionary Pricing” which will allow bars, restaurants and pubs to change the prices of the drinks they serve through the day – something that they can’t do at the moment. It wouldn’t force bars to lower prices but it would give them the option of offering drink specials at certain times and because this could mean a better deal for you at the pub and CAMRA BC – Vancouver Chapter supports this.

Pubs and breweries aren’t really able to offer a cheaper pint to CAMRA BC members at the moment but Discretionary Pricing could mean that your card and continued support could save you a few dollars more.

Check back regularly for more information about our continuing craft beer campaign and please join the conversation – send a message here or an email to me pres@camravancouver.ca.

Adam Chatburn,
President – CAMRA BC – Vancouver Chapter





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