Craft beer friends! Summer is an excellent time for drinking delicious beverages and we aren’t finished yet. We’ve been enjoying some great events over the last few months, but we’ve got some truly exciting things still to come.

But first… My name is Curtis Bateson and I am the new Events Coordinator for CAMRA Vancouver. Our previous Events Coordinator (Jill) decided to take a step back to spend more time with her newborn. (It’s a seriously cute baby, I would have done the same) To fill that vacancy, I will be working to inform you lovely folks about the events that you should be ignoring your actual adult responsibilities for. Lucky you!
Now, on the the fun stuff – July was a little quiet for us on the events front, although our Education Liaison (Alastair) put on quite a show at our sold-out English Ales 101 class! You also haven’t seen much of us this August, but that’s because we’ve been preparing some BIG things.
As you’ve already heard from our Fearless Leader, David Perry, we are putting together a protest (Beer on the Beach: A Picnic Protest) to expand our rights as reasonable, responsible craft beer consumers. Pack a lovely picnic lunch and come and join us down at First Beach in English Bay on August 27th, from noon until 2pm, to enjoy a tasty beverage with your friends, your family, or just us! (We want to be your friend!) Remember that the idea is to enjoy our delicious craft beer responsibly to show that the laws around public drinking in BC are unnecessarily restrictive. We want to have a nice time (I’m bringing my frisbee) and show the city that this is normal. Anyone who is getting carried away or not respecting the other folks enjoying the beach will be asked to leave. Let’s just all get along, hey?
The other end-of-August event that I want to mention is Caskapalooza. This is happening at CRAFT Beer Market tomorrow night! Short notice, I know, but I really think this is going to be a good one. Partial proceeds are going to be donated to a great cause and there are going to be 35 casks. Remember to pace yourselves!
This brings me to September. I’ll go into more detail in our next newsletter, but you’ll want to get your tickets early to these popular events to avoid missing out, so here’s the quick rundown:
Great Canadian Beer Festival – Victoria – September 8th and 9th
I’ll be missing this one after going faithfully for the last couple of years. It’s only a short, scenic ferry ride away and I never fail to have a great time. They always seem to get a brilliantly sunny weekend so make sure you bring your ridiculous, floppy sun hat!
Whistler Valley Beer Festival – Whistler – September 13th to 17th
I always miss this one so that I can go to GCBF but I get to go this year! Huzzah! Here is a quick blurb from our friends at the fest and don’t forget to use the CAMRA member promo code (mentioned below) if you haven’t already bought your tickets:
The Whistler Village Beer Festival is less than a month away, and you don’t want to miss out. On from Sept 13th to 17th, expect a full event schedule including the cannot miss Main Event with 60 breweries, 120+ varieties of beers and ciders, live music, food trucks, and thousands of festival-goers.
This year, the festival will also be offering a round trip shuttle service! Visit and use the promo code CAMRA17 to save 15% off Flex Passes. See you there!
BC Beer Awards – Vancouver – October 21st
Alright well this one is in October, but the tickets go too quickly to wait until then.
I’m getting my tuxedo t-shirt ready for this illustrious event and you should be preparing as well!
That’s all I’ve got for you right now, but expect big things next month. Remember it’s back-to-school season… (that’s a hint about what to expect)
Knowledge is power!
Curtis Bateson
Events Coordinator, CAMRA Vancouver
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