It is hard to believe that next month it will have been one year since I took over the presidency of the Vancouver Branch of this amazing organization. We have had a fantastic year full of ups and downs. We had a new team of fresh faces that were keen to be a difference maker in the community. One year later, we have endured a change in liquor reform, and a subsequent liquor reform letter writing campaign, an overhaul of the CAMRA Education Curriculum bringing in new exciting classes, and a constant increase to our community benefit program. We ran some new events (including a Vancouver Canadians Baseball Game and our No-Nonesense Cask Festival) as well as some tried and tested events like CiderWISE, Session Cask Festival and many more.
What’s great to say is that we aren’t done yet! All this happened in the span of the last year and we are looking for passionate and talented people that would like to be on the Executive Board next year. Consider this the official call for nominations for the CAMRA BC – Vancouver Branch Executive for 2016-2017. Nominations for the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Events Coordinator, Communications Director, Community Liaison and Education Liaison are being accepted from January 11-February 22nd 2016. Any CAMRA Vancouver Member in good standing can accept a nomination for these positions.The CAMRA Vancouver AGM will be held on Saturday, February 27th at the Biltmore Cabaret. Any nominees must be in attendance at the AGM to be elected.
What’s that you say? You don’t know what the positions entail, so you really don’t think you can go for it? Well, lucky for you, you can read all about it. How convenient! This is your opportunity to be a part of this community and take an active role in what it looks like! To be eligible to nominate and/or be nominated a person must be a CAMRA BC member in good standing, meaning having a valid, up-to-date membership at the time of the nomination, for both nominator and nominee, and at the AGM for the nominee. (Self nominations are permitted.) Please ensure your membership is up-to-date! Nominations can be emailed to Danika Strecko at
Now, I must be honest with you, these positions are time consuming. They are certainly as large or as small as you make of them; but for all intents and purposes they are full time jobs done on a volunteer basis. I don’t say that to scare anyone away from taking a position – but I want people to know what they are getting into. CAMRA BC has become an authoritative voice on craft beer consumer advocacy in British Columbia and that standard needs to be maintained. That being said, if you don’t think you can commit the time or energy to a position but are still wanting to be a part of this decision, come to the AGM happening in February. We will review the year as a team and break it down for everyone. Members will be receiving an email in their inbox shortly formally inviting them shortly. Of course, If you are reading this and aren’t a member, what are you waiting for? Sign up here and get involved before the AGM.
I look forward to seeing the nominations roll in!
David Perry
President, CAMRA Vancouver
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