Join in the Fun with CAMRA

It was at this time last year I considered running for the CAMRA Vancouver Executive. Sure I was busy (aren’t we all) but then I thought about all the time I spent watching those “must-see” TV shows and disappointing Hockey games and realised that I should put some time aside to get involved. It’s so easy to lapse into drinking craft beer at home and chill-out on the couch (especially this time of the year) but then I came to the conclusion that I wouldn’t even know about or have these craft beers without groups like CAMRA. I had volunteered at a few events so I knew that the people on the Executive were really good fun so I decided to contact them to see if I could help out.

Everyone was so welcoming and positive that they quickly convinced me to run for Vice President, I wasn’t sure what that meant but they assured me that I would just take some pressure of the President and help out with smaller projects that didn’t fit with anyone else’s roles. It sounded vague but interesting and I figured “why not?”. Shortly before I accepted the nomination, Rick Green who was standing for Vancouver President decided that he would run for the BC President role instead, so he asked me if I could run for Vancouver President!

I had no idea what to say, I had no experience, no knowledge of the organisation not even an idea of what was involved but I decided to go for it. I can still remember the moment I accepted the nomination. Nervously I awaited the AGM where I was acclimated into the Presidency, dozens of people congratulated me and I did my best to remember as many names as I could. As it turned out it was the first day of the best year of my life. It’s been an amazing roller-coaster ride with so many new experiences, so many wonderful people and so much wonderful beer! I’ve made lots of great friends and contacts over the year, I can’t believe I ever considered not running.

I had no idea that I would quickly be thrust into the public arena, starting campaigns, writing and meeting politicians but I did my best and I plan to stand for re-election again next year at the AGM on February 16th at the Biltmore Cabaret (Register here!).

I put the call out to you, do you want to get involved supporting craft-beer? Experience helps (but clearly isn’t essential) but if you’ve got a few hours each week to make a difference and join in with some of the most dedicated and passionate people I’ve ever known then why not stand for election? All the positions are up for election and you can see the job descriptions here.

If you have any questions or have a nomination please email our Secretary, Tony Smerychynski.


Adam Chatburn

President, CAMRA BC – Vancouver Branch





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