CAMRA BC – Vancouver Branch offers a number of education classes, and for information on past classes check the menu under “Education”. Our Education series at Steamworks Brewpub showcases guest lecturers harvested from our local craft beer community. More classes are being scheduled all the time so check our social media and website regularly as we’ve sold every single one out so far!
Our next classes are on June 30. Tickets on sale June 3 at 5:00pm! You must buy a ticket to attend each class. You are not required to attend both
Off Flavours 101 – 630-730pm
Back by popular request! An overview of the six most common beer flaws will discussed, along with samples to help new and experienced beer drinkers identify “off” beers. The origin of these flavors and how they function on one’s palate and affect the overall experience of the beer will also be introduced. The Off-Flavors Tasting will be directed by Chad McCarthy. As a National Rank BJCP beer judge and Certified Cicerone®, Chad has had a great deal of tasting experience. He is excited to help improve everyone’s understanding of beer flavour and aroma so that the very best beers and pubs gain the popularity that they deserve.
English Ales 101 – 8-9pm
This introductory class on English ales explores the evolution of the classic styles of the British Isles. We will explore Irish stouts, London porters, the pale ales of Burton-on-Trent, and the wide array of brown ales from both sides of Hadrian’s Wall. This, of course, will be demonstrated with samples. After this class you will have a deep appreciation for all that tiny nation has done for beer.The instructor for this class is Tak Guenette, currently of Parallel 49 and formerly of Steamworks Brewpub, is more than just your average brewer . An award winning homebrewer, Certified BJCP beer judge, and the person most likely to be found brewing at home, even after a full day of brewing at work. He is quickly becoming a master at brewing English ales of all sorts and the easy choice for teaching this class. With any luck you will gain a whole new appreciation of the tradition of English brewing
For information on previous classes please visit our Education page
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