Pop-Up City Hall and Liquor Policy Survey, May 1, 2016

The newly implemented liquor policy is now being reviewed again and the city is seeking your opinions on what that policy should look like. For a long time, alcohol has been demonized in our city, and with luck these restrictive policies are being critically evaluated. You can have your thoughts on the role of alcohol in the city and what kind of changes you would like to see in our current policy. To complete the survey, visit the City of Vancouver website

The survey is still open and will be running until the May 15th, so if you haven’t already, fill it out and let your opinions be heard. Share this with your friends and help shape Vancouver’s liquor strategy.

In addition to creating a survey on the liquor strategy, the city recently held two “Pop-up City Hall”s. These events were held on on April 16th and 17th at the Nat Bailey and Hastings Park Farmers Markets. They were attended by several members of the CAMRA executive, and though the volunteers seemed interested in the concerns and opinions of the attendees, the “Pop-up City Hall” is just a way to demonstrate their consultation with the public before going ahead with their own objectives.

The event was only publicized two days before taking place, which didn’t give much of an opportunity to prepare before it happened. Furthermore, the majority of the event was volunteers simply directing people to their liquor policy survey. This survey is important, it gives an opportunity for consumers to be heard, but only if they will review the recommendations and hopefully take some of them to heart. By avoiding any actionable items and providing an infograph on alcohol consumption, these events were more of a show of listening to the public than an actual consultation that listens and evaluates the concerns and perspectives of the individuals and groups that are involved. So please, get involved, fill out this survey and go further by lobbying the City of Vancouver.

Kerry Dyson
Vice President
CAMRA BC, Vancouver Branch





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