Sour Beers

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Sours are one of the newest genres of beer to start appearing in our pubs and bottle shops. These beers are a result of the acid production of various bacteria, often combined with wild yeast strains, and sometimes barrel aging. Borrowing many techniques and flavor profiles from the wine industry, these “fringe” beers offer a whole new world to beer drinkers. This introduction to the tart and the funk will blow your minds and your taste buds.

This video presentation shows Iain Hill, Former Head brewer at Yaletown Brewing Company and now Owner/Brewer at Strange Fellows Brewing leading the Sour Beer Class event at Steamworks Brewpub, Vancouver BC.

Sour Beers will be repeated periodically, check the events calendar for updated information. If you would like to schedule a craft beer education event, please contact our Education Liason.

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