President’s Update: February 2017


I will keep this brief! The call for nominations for the CAMRA Vancouver Executive is out! Get your names in there – all the information can be found here. We would love to see more nominations so we have a nice full and busy AGM!

Being involved on an executive level with this organization is incredibly rewarding. You will get to do outstanding work with outstanding people doing… you guessed it… outstanding things! So what are you waiting for, get nominated or nominate yourself today!
Nominations are open for all roles in the organization including:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Membership Coordinator
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Director
  • Events Coordinator
  • Education Liaison
Learn more about what each role entails here. To be eligible for election, the nominee must be a CAMRA Vancouver member in good standing, willing to run for a position, and be present at the AGM. To make a nomination, send the name of the nominee and their contact details to Secretary Alex McGowan at Self-nominations are accepted.
In addition to executive roles, we are always looking for volunteers and support roles! If you would like to get involved, send an email to
2017 AGM

CAMRA BC – Vancouver Branch’s 2017 AGM will be held  Sunday, February 26th in the Roxanne Room at 12 Kings Pub, 395 Kingsway. Doors open at 12pm, meeting begins at 1pm sharp. Attendance is free, however we ask that you RSVP so that we know how many members to expect.


CAMRA Vancouver Awards
Each year our branch of the Campaign for Real Ale conducts a poll of its members to recognize local and regional excellence in craft brewing and craft beer services.


Voting for the 2016 awards is now open! Members can vote online from February 1-21, 2017. The winners can be presented with their awards at CAMRA Vancouver’s Annual General Meeting. We are very excited to announce this year’s winners. One vote per category, per member. Must be a valid CAMRA Vancouver member. Place your votes here.

I look forward to seeing all of you at our AGM on February 26!


David Perry
CAMRA BC – Vancouver Branch





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