Railway Club

The Spotlight is a series of interviews with the craft beer heroes behind local organizations who are helping grow the beer scene in our fine city. This week we chat to Steve Silman from Vancouver music institution the Railway Club.

How long has the Railway Club been around?
82 years!

When did you guys first get into serving local micro brews?
At least 15 years (before my time!)

How often does your craft beer tap selection change?
Something changes every other week, whether it’s a seasonal tap or a regular tap. The Steamworks Pilsner is the most recent addition.

Can you tell me a little about the Railway’s cask program?
We rotate through regular casks from brewers like Central City, Howe Sound, R&B Brewing and Parallel 49 as well as offerings from other brewers like Driftwood more occasionally.

What casks do you have coming up?
Parallel 49 is next up and we’ve got an Central City ESB next month. We’re sometimes not sure of what we’re getting till it ships – surprise!

Why do you think serving cask ales is important?
It’s another method of beer delivery that’s distinctly different from bottles and kegs so that’s interesting. There’s a strong historical component to it that I really like, tying into how beer was dispensed years past. And it’s a great chance to try something unusual, with hops blends and different takes on some beers and one-offs we only see rarely. 

What is your favourite beer to drink at this time of year?
Generally something darker than in the summer, although I enjoy all kinds of good beer year-round. I always enjoy a good stout so I’d have to say a Crannog Back Hand of God.

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 You can find the Railway Club at 579 Dunsmuir St. or online here. They tap a cask at 5pm every  Tuesday.





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