Tag: CAMRA News & Events

  • CAMRA BC Summit #1 Vancouver

    Electronic methods of communication have revolutionised our world, never has communication been so easy to do yet hard to do right. Email is notorious for creating misunderstandings, internet forums, twitter, facebook too, flame wars, online bullying, misreading between the lines all cause problems. I mention this because in 2013 the communication at the BC Level…

  • Community Supporters, What Has Changed?

    Recently we have heard some of our community partners ask for classification about how their relationship with CAMRA has changed now that we don’t take money from them in the form of yearly Corporate memberships.

  • Liquor Review Implementation Update

    Today I was invited along with Powell River Branch President Paddy Treavor to a teleconference set up by John Yap MLA and Douglas Scott, Assistant Deputy Minister and General Manager of the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch in BC.

  • CAMRA Bottle Openers a Big Hit

    At CiderWISE and the AGM we released our newest membership benefit, a very different kind of bottle opener and you members seem very happy with it!

  • CAMRA T-Shirt Contest

    We have completely sold out of our CAMRA T-shirts! Thanks to everyone who bought one or more. We need a new design, something that incorporates our logo and passion for craft beer, the rest is up to you. Just keep it clean and make sure it will appeal to as many of our members as…

  • #yvrcaskmeetup

    Ask and you shall receive! Recently we’ve been noticing the lack of a centralized CAMRA cask night and our members have noticed it too. You are now all officially invited to our Weekly Cask Meet Up, or #yvrcaskmeetup, if you will.

  • Busy Times for CAMRA

    People said we were crazy to plan 2 events on back-to-back weekends but we did it! The first CiderWISE was a huge success, lots of new faces came out to try the ciders and GF craft beers on Saturday afternoon. Then a week later the AGM at the Biltmore Cabaret went beautifully with nearly 200…

  • Liquor Review Moves to Next Stage

    On January 31st 2014 John Yap MLA and his team released their lengthy list of recommendations based on the liquor review last autumn. Until now we had heard a few tidbits of information about farmers markets (#31)and supermarkets (#20) however, the full review makes 73 points which seem to cover almost every aspect of alcohol in…

  • Our Wonderful Supporters

    Over the last few months the CAMRA BC Executive has been discussing how the nature of the organisation has changed from a small group in Victoria to a thousand members all over the province actively engaged craft beer advocacy, education and promotion. We could not have done this without the support of wonderful corporate partners.…

  • New Beers Resolutions

    The excess of the holidays often leads to remorse in the dark days of January as we count the cost of the party season, financially and physically. However all is not lost! Moving into 2014, let’s pledge to make a new beers resolution to stand us in good stead for the coming year. It’s up…

  • 2013 Year in Review

    When I took over the Presidency from the esteemed Paddy Treavor in January I knew I had some big shoes to fill but I really had no idea what I was in for. However I knew that the new Executive knew what to do so I spent the first month with my mouth shut. I…

  • Join in the Fun with CAMRA

    It was at this time last year I considered running for the CAMRA Vancouver Executive. Sure I was busy (aren’t we all) but then I thought about all the time I spent watching those “must-see” TV shows and disappointing Hockey games and realised that I should put some time aside to get involved. It’s so…

  • CAMovember

    This month your CAMRA Vancouver Executive have been raising money for Men’s Cancer charities by growing our mo’s! so far we’ve raised over $1000 but with less than a week to go it’s time for a final push!

  • Campaign for Real Cider

    You may not be aware of it but CAMRA BC isn’t just about craft beer, we also love craft Cider and this is the best time of year for it! Many people here in BC don’t think about cider much beyond trying the sickly sweet commercial varieties that clutter the liquor store, perhaps they tried…

  • POWtoberfest!

    If you didn’t come to Powell River for the Oktoberfest you really missed out! 15 brave souls assembled at St. Augustine’s at 8am on Saturday 5th October to start the trek with Wildside Vancouver. We made the first and most important ferry to Langdale and we passed Persephone Brewery (not open yet) and made it…

  • CAMRA BC Liquor Review Meeting

    This Morning I had a meeting with government representatives John Yap MLA, Ken Dawson and Suneil Karod to talk about the liquor issues that we feel require change.  Joining me were a pair of heavyweight advocates CAMRA BC President Rick Green along newly minted CAMRA BC Powell River Branch President Paddy Treavor on flying visit.…

  • Public Phase Launches

    On Saturday the BC Government launched the “public phase” of the liquor review on their website. It allows everyone who wants to have an input the chance to air their views. It also features public letters from stakeholder groups with their suggestions and recommendations, CAMRA’s letter is on it’s way, we’ve had a great time…

  • New CAMRA BC Branch

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2013 THE CAMRA BC FAMILY IS EXPANDING Surrey, BC – On September 21, 2013, we will see the formation of a new Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia. In light of the tremendous volume of public interest in craft beer consumer rights outside of Vancouver,…

  • Regulation Over Policy as Law

    As most of you know the government of BC has begun the first public liquor consultation in almost 60 years and CAMRA BC is all over it. The consultation comes in 2 phases, the first was a letter to key industry people and stakeholder groups asking them if they want to make any suggestions on…

  • Discretionary Pricing Coming to BC?

    As most of you know the government of BC has begun the first public liquor consultation in almost 60 years and CAMRA BC is all over it. The consultation comes in 2 phases, the first was a letter to key industry people and stakeholder groups asking them if they want to make any suggestions on…