Education Update – May 2018

Hello to you CAMRA Members, you enthusiasts, you brewing brethren. This comes out to you in the first newsletter since the changeover in staff within the Vancouver branch, and I wish to give myself a small introduction to the fine readers.

My name is Matthew Kiss, and I am the current Education Liaison preceded by Alastair Lindsay. The education operative was the baby of Alastair as some of you may have known, and I intend to continue to nurture and aid in the growth of it. With that in mind, the first class to be run this ‘summer’ kicks off with a fan favourite of Craft Beer 101, with some small changes made to it.
Craft Beer 101 is being held at Central City on Beatty street on the eve of May 21st, the end of the Victoria Day long weekend. This time round, a heavy emphasis is being placed on the individual ingredients themselves that go into that frosty, effervescent pint; and how a recipe is formed from farm to glass. Two flights come with the class, as you’ll be sampling beers, and the malt and hops themselves that build them.

Looking to the future, an IPA Style Guide class is being planned next, where we will drink our way through an evening of tropical, fruity, piney, hazy, double styles and more; new and old, that have been birthed through the craft beer explosion.

I look forward to seeing you in class, and as always, stay thirsty.


Matthew Kiss

Education Liaison






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